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Master the German Citizenship Test

Effortlessly prepare for the Einbürgerungstest with our app — completely free of charge.

Get detailed explanations and English translations of all test materials to ensure you understand and excel.

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Fun fact - 96.3% of participants pass the online naturalization test, with 10.9% even achieving a perfect score on all 33 questions.

Effortless Test Preparation

Prepare for the German citizenship test with ease—no translation needed, just deep understanding and meaningful learning

Skip the Hassle
Save yourself the time of translating over 300+ questions — we've already done it for you.
Understand Better
Using our English translations ensures you fully comprehend the meaning behind each question.
Learn Deeply
Don't just memorize questions—use the English translations to gain a deeper understanding of Germany.

Get to Know Germany!

Explore Germany’s federal system, constitution, anthem, and key emergency contacts.

Citizenship Test FAQs

Find answers about the German citizenship test, including registration, preparation, requirements, and result timelines. Essential for citizenship applicants.

Why do I need the citizenship test?
The citizenship test is required when applying for German citizenship.
What is the citizenship test?
The test covers history, society, and the political system in Germany.
Where and how do I register for the citizenship test? What does the test cost?
You can register at adult education centers (Volkshochschule) and other institutions. The cost is €25.
How do I prepare for the citizenship test? Where do I find practice questions? How many points do I need to pass the test?
A catalogue of 310 questions is available online. 17 correct answers are needed to pass.
How quickly can I get an examination date?
The earliest date is 6 weeks from application.
When do I receive my results? How do I receive my results?
Results are sent by the BAMF around 8 weeks after the exam.
Is the German Citizenship test in English?
No, the German Citizenship Test is entirely in German.
Eligibility check

Unlock Your Path to German Citizenship

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Ready to start your citizenship journey?

Effortlessly prepare for the Einbürgerungstest with our app — completely free of charge.

This tool is completely free ❤️ If you find it useful, we'd love it if you told someone about it.